Your Zoar Foundation
The Zoar Lutheran Church Foundation was established in 1987 and became a separate 501(c)3 non-profit entity in 2007. The Zoar Foundation supports Zoar and its members by overseeing endowed funds to provide funding that supports and promotes charitable, educational, and religious ministries of Zoar Lutheran Church. The Zoar Foundation receives funds for general and restricted purposes. Currently, there are two general endowment funds – the Grant Endowment Fund and the Operating Endowment Fund, and two restricted funds – the Kurfis Fund for Youth Ministries and the Kazmaier Fund for Theological Education.
Grant Endowment Fund
The Grant Endowment Fund, originally known as “The Endowment Fund,” was established in 1987, to help Zoar members build lasting legacies in support of Zoar and its ministries. To facilitate the purposes of the Zoar Foundation in distributing Grant Endowment Funds, funding guidelines have been established. To encourage and support congregational efforts: •In outreach to the community and beyond •To innovate by developing new ministries and new approaches to on-going ministries •To develop its lay and pastoral leadership •To bring the best of Christian music and other arts to Zoar and its community •To respond flexibly to congregational needs or opportunities Application Process: Grant request deadlines are March 31 and September 30. Please use the Grant Request Form below and submit to the Church Office by the deadline for consideration
Kurfis Fund for Youth Ministry
The Kurfis Fund for Youth Ministry is a restricted fund. It was established by Philip Kurfis, a lifelong member of Zoar, upon his death in 2012. The fund is to be used for Zoar Youth Programs (under 25 years of age) as a supplement to the Congregation’s annual budgeted support for youth programming to stimulate new ideas for Christ-centered ministry to the youth of Zoar and to promote the ministry of the youth of Zoar to the Congregation and the community. The same funding guidelines as for the Grant Endowment Fund will apply – outreach, innovation, leadership, the arts and flexibility. Application Process: Grant requests can be submitted at any time using the Foundation Grant Request form below. Foundation Board Members are available to meet with applicants as they develop proposals.
Operating Endowment Fund
The Operating Endowment Fund was created in 2019 to give Zoar members an opportunity to help fund the Church’s expenses on a long-term basis. Income from the Operating Endowment Fund is distributed at least annually to the Church to be used exclusively for the payment of any general operating expenses of the Church as directed by Zoar Church Council. Application Process: Funds will be distributed to the Church at least annually in coordination with Zoar Church Council.
Kazmaier Fund for Theological Education
The Kazmaier Fund for Theological Education is a restricted fund established in 1987 by a gift from the Robert Kazmaier estate to support members of Zoar Lutheran Church who are preparing for one of the ordained ministries of the ELCA. Grants are provided to members as they pursue postgraduate theological education for the Rostered Ministries: Minister of Word and Sacrament (Pastors) or Minister Word and Service (Deacons) at one of the seminaries of the ELCA. Application Process: Applicants must be confirmed members of Zoar and must be pursuing postgraduate theological education for Rostered Ministries. If you are interested in pursuing candidacy and seeking funding, please contact the Church Office 419-874-4346.