Eastern Europe Crisis Response

On Feb. 24, Russian forces invaded Ukraine, launching land, sea and air attacks. Russia has launched air strikes across the country, including on the capital of Kyiv and other major cities. Airports are now shut, and few railway lines are operational. Millions of civilians fleeing the violence are heading toward Ukraine’s western districts and such neighboring countries as Poland, Moldova, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary. Over 300 civilians have been killed in the conflict so far, and damage to civilian infrastructure has left hundreds of thousands of people without water or electricity. Ukrainian men of military age (18-60) are forbidden to leave the country, so most of those fleeing the violence are women and children. According to one report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, more than 1 million people are seeking refuge in neighboring countries including Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Moldova. There are major humanitarian concerns for both internally displaced people and refugees. Many of these Ukrainians fleeing their homes need shelter and such basic necessities as food, water and toiletries. Care for people also includes pastoral and psychological support to address the trauma they’ve endured.

Lutheran Disaster Response is accompanying our companions in Ukraine, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, as well as such ecumenical partners as Lutheran World Federation and Church World Service, in their humanitarian responses to the crisis. These partners provide refugees with immediate support and supplies such as food, blankets, water and hygiene kits.

Ways to Give

Online: Click here to give now. Enter donation amount and information making sure to designate

By Phone: Call 1-800-638-3522 to make a donation with a credit card. Operators are ready to assist you Monday through Friday, 8AM – 5PM Central Time.

By Mail: Make checks payable to Lutheran Disaster Response. Write “Eastern Europe Crisis Response” on your check’s memo line and send to: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, P.O. Box 1809, Merrifield, VA 22116-8009

Other Ways to Give: Become a monthly donor, make a planned gift, and more. Click here to learn more.

This article first appeared at elca.org on March 1, 2022. Reprinted with permission. © ELCA.

Photo by Rev. Zach Courter, ELCA. These are Ukrainian refugees arriving at a train station in Budapest and local volunteers are distributing food and other items.